Homes built by builders who know sustainability

Sustainability isn’t just a goal for us; it’s a commitment to create homes that are more energy efficient, better for you, and better for the environment.

We design and construct eco-friendly houses that significantly reduce your environmental impact, built upon cutting-edge practices, unwavering trust, refined craftsmanship, and an open-minded approach to sustainable house design.

Eco-friendly homes that are also attainable

Modern homeowners are faced with a common predicament, caught between an industry that prioritises current trends over comfort, and the desire for a healthier, more sustainable, and energy-efficient living environment.

At TrueLine, however, we don’t want perfection to be the barrier to progress. TrueLine offers conscious homeowners in Perth the opportunity to build a high-performance home, without the need to go “all out”—creating your own customised space that merges health, sustainability, and aesthetics seamlessly.

Sustainability, driven by expertise

We consider sustainable architecture and high-performance factors such as geo location, orientation, shading, wall build-ups, insulation levels, construction materials, size, type and percentage of glazing.

Our team is certified, so you know that you can trust in the sustainability of our builds. Both of TrueLine’s founders are Certified Passive House Consultants / Tradespeople; members of the Australian Passivhaus Association; and members of the MBA (Master Builders Association).

They have also completed the Healthy Building Materials Mastermind program, further enhancing our focus on creating healthier and environmentally conscious spaces.

How we incorporate energy efficiency and sustainability into our custom home builds

Solar passive design and energy modelling

Through strategic design and energy modelling, we optimise your home’s layout, orientation, and thermal performance to maximise natural light, airflow, and energy efficiency while minimising reliance on heating and cooling systems.

Water recycling and minimisation

Our sustainable homes incorporate water-efficient fixtures, rainwater systems, and greywater recycling to minimise water usage and promote sustainable water management practices.

Superior insulation and thermal mass

Our homes feature continuous insulation and strategic use of thermal mass materials to regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling and conserving energy. A well-insulated and properly sealed home reduces heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, increasing comfort and reducing energy usage.

Recycled and eco-friendly building materials

We meticulously source and vet the construction materials we use, to ensure they are better for the environment. We assess materials on the entire lifecycle of the product, aiming for an entirely closed-loop.

Fresh air supply and efficient ventilation systems

We prioritise fresh indoor air quality through highly efficient ventilation systems like Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV). Stale air is expelled, while its heat is captured. The recovered heat is retained and transferred to the incoming fresh air, which ensures a continuous supply of fresh air while also conserving energy.

Renewable energy

Our homes can integrate renewable energy sources such as solar panels and battery storage systems to generate and store clean energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions.

We’ll help you build a home that’s better for you, and better for the earth

At TrueLine, we stand by our commitment to quality, transparency, and innovation. We’re not just building houses; we’re creating spaces that work, look, and feel exceptional—a testament to our dedication to your wellbeing and the environment, and a hallmark of our sustainable homes in Perth.

By prioritising durable energy-efficient designs, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly materials, we aim to minimise the carbon footprint of each home we build.

To get started on building a better home, get in touch through our form here or email us at

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